Tribunal Appeal Writing
I have been writing EHCP and Tribunal appeal applications for 11 years, and have successfully helped hundreds of families across the country to secure EHCPs for their children, suitable EHCP content, and suitable school placements.
The appeal applications which I write are typically 5,000 to 14,000 words in length, and make clear references to many aspects of the SEND Code of Practice and the law.
In applying a wealth of experience to the appeal writing process, over 90% of the SEN Achieve appeal applications result in the respective local authorities conceding before the tribunal hearing. Since the end of January (2024) 46 local authorities (100%) have conceded/ backed down in response to the original tribunal appeals which I have written. This has saved the parents from the stress and potential expense of an actual tribunal hearing.
Tribunal appeal application writing service - £300 per 10 hour block.
This includes:
1. Discussions with you by telephone or via video-link - 90 minutes.
2. Reading all of the relevant documents and reports relating to your child.
3. Writing the tribunal application document.
The appeal applications that I write are typically 4,000 to 14,000 words in length, and make clear references to many aspects of the SEND Code of Practice and the law.
4. Completing the tribunal appeal form.
5. Labelling and tabulating the relevant documents and reports which relate to your child.
6. Providing you with clear instructions on how to submit your appeal to the tribunal service.
7. Once you receive your hearing papers back from the tribunal, this service also includes explaining these documents to you.
Please contact SEN Achieve if you have any questions or if you would like to book.
Many testimonials to the quality of my work can be found on this website and on my Facebook page.
"I cannot recommend Chris highly enough.
His significant professional background in the world of SEND helped us choose him to help with our case.
With his support, advice, guidance and awesome report writing skills, the LA have conceded before our Tribunal next month. They have named our preference of an Independent Specialist School.
Chris has been available on the phone and via emails through every step. Thanks so so much.
Top Advocate!!!!"​