"I cannot recommend Chris enough. He is amazing. Very understanding listened accommodated my daughters need. The report was excellent. Thank you so much for all your help. Fran and Conni"
Prior to my current role as a SEN Adviser and Tribunal Representative, I worked in local authority schools for 18 years, in primary, junior and secondary school settings, and have held the positions of class teacher, SENCo, Head of Teaching and Learning, Assistant Headteacher and Inclusion Leader.
As a registered Test User with the British Psychological Society I offer the following assessment services to parents.
Online dyslexia and dyscalculia screening service - Only £65 per screening with a full report covering the results profile and recommendations for school. Reports are typically 2,000 to 3,000 words in length - please see the 'Online Screening' page for full details.
Special Educational Needs – Fixed Price Pupil Assessment Package
In response to requests from many parents, I offer a comprehensive assessment package at a fixed price.
The package includes:
1. A dyslexia screening
2. A dyscalculia screening
3. A visual cognitive assessment
4. An assessment of expressive vocabulary
5. An auditory memory assessment
6. An emotional literacy assessment - this covers social skills, self-awareness, self-regulation, empathy and motivation
7. A telephone or video-link consultation with you
8. A full report covering the results and recommendations for school - reports are typically 3,500 to 6,000 words in length.
This package can now be conducted completely online in the current climate that we live in.
Recommendations that I have written have been included within EHCPs by local authorities across the country.
The price for all of the above is just £340.
Pupil Attainment Testing
So many parents across the country contact me stating that they are not clear where their child is in terms of age-related expectations.
Increasingly, parents also report to me that they are told that their child is ‘working towards’ age-related expectations, but are not told where they actually are.
In addition to my other qualifications, training and experience, I am also a Registered Test User with the British Psychological Society. After much thought and research I have therefore invested in a series of assessments that provide scaled scores against end of year expectations.
This is available for children which have completed any of years 1 to 6.
The package that I offer covers the following:
1. A reading comprehension test.
2. A maths reasoning test.
3. A spelling test.
4. A report presenting the results, interpretation and recommendations.
The price for the above is £180.
Emotional Literacy assessment package - £170 - This features an 'emotional literacy' assessment for children aged from 7 to 16 with the associated report. Emotional Literacy refers to our self-awareness, recognition of our own feelings and knowing how to manage them, such as the ability to stay calm when angered or to reassure oneself when in doubt.
The assessment also covers social skills, empathy and motivation, and includes a full report covering the results profile and recommendations for school. The process also includes a consultation with you on the telephone or via a video-link, whichever you prefer.
Pupil Observations - Many parents contact me wishing to know how their child presents and engages at school. Others are very concerned that their child 'masks' at school and that school staff do not see the behaviours that occur at home. Or perhaps there are worries that a support plan or Section F of an EHCP is not being applied and followed.
For these reasons I offer an observation service, for both home and school, followed up by a full observation report. Please contact me for further details. The cost of this service is largely determined by journey time and costs.
Please contact me if you have any questions or if you would like to book!
Many testimonials to the quality of my work can be found on this website and on my Facebook page.
Hand delivering a letter to Downing Street in an attempt to help secure better SEN support for your children.
A guide to help you get the best SEN Support for your child - available on Amazon
Over 90% of the tribunal applications that I write result in the local authority backing down before going through to tribunal.
See my YouTube channel for free advice!